Sunday, June 28, 2009

A room with a view

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Being met in Dar es Salaam!

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another thing I will miss!

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Leaving Tomorrow and Request for Input

[Photo, mine, April 2009: Tanzania]

Hello, Hello....

I hop in my taxi at 4:30 am tomorrow. Then two days of my body being in the tin can...and I will be in Tanzania. Here's a new link for info in Dar es Salaam I have been given - pretty cool .

When I get to JFK, I get to meet and travel with a young woman who is on her first visit to Tanzania. I like having company when I travel.

Inspired by my huge learning curve, I've begun my "Massive Mission Manual" [working title]. I had so much to learn and am still learning. I think it would be nice to have a list and suggestions.

Here's an example....I wish I hadn't taken hand cream. Even unscented, it was redundant to my sunscreen and would have saved me valuable room (each ounce counts!) in my luggage.

If you have been on mission, or are simply a world traveler, gypsetter or just darn smart, send me your hints. I plan on publishing them here, so there will be an on-line reference for (hopefully) years to come!


Odd Challenges

When I began this journey, I thought I would face many challenges. Where my mind went was imaging my being emotionally and spiritually challenged. What I didn't expect was to challenged to tackle the latest technology. My Prayer Partner has a belief, the world is being opened up and helped saved by God through technology...and he is so totally using me!

First it was the purchasing of a Blackberry Storm for the first trip to Tanzania with my Mission Mentor. As the pictures on this blog attest, I LOVED embracing that (new to me) technology.
Next up....videography! YIKES!! I didn't even know which side of blank dvd to put in until last Friday!

The leg of the journey begins when I asked Bishop Lupaa what, if anything, I could bring to help with this visit. "Video Equipment" was his response. I am grateful we weren't Skyping, I wouldn't want him to have seen the look on my face I found this out

On my first meeting with Bishop Lupaa he saw me playing with my cute little crackberry. I showed him how I was immediately posting to my blog....but videos....I hadn't taken real, serious videos in the digital age.

Cabell - the brilliant nephew, Wayne - the E-Media Manager who is on his way to being EMO (E-Media Officer), and a dh by phone....and I am in the 21st Century!!

Through pain and hardship, trial and tribulation, Wayne, dh and Cabell are being prepared for Sainthood. They have me ready to be "Videographer for the Diocese of the Rift Valley".

I'm liking my new title!

One of the things I will miss on this trip.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life's Roadmap

I had an interesting conversation the other day with my prayer partner. On top of being a great friend, she's a wonderful wife and mother and a principal partner in The DeJohn Group. She's prayed with me and held my hand through some high highs and low lows.

This day I was just chatting about the African masks and art I had brought back, yet haven't found a place for them in my home. While I don't regret getting them, I want to display them. Our home is not huge, and already has so many walls covered in art from our 16 years of marriage.

What my prayer partner said that just struck me as so right was I what I have purchased is part of Life's Roadmap. Sometimes, she believes, God has us do, say, experience, and this case purchase something that is part of our Roadmap. The art and masks, in particular, are part of my future and it is my future home (in Africa?) that will display them.

I do know that during our first year of marriage my dh came home from working in Panama with these things called "molas". I laughed thinking we would NEVER have a home where displaying those things would be appropriate. Guess what is the most beautiful part of our home?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just in time for my language school - Facebook goes Swahili!

Actually, I am surprised there isn't a Zulu language site yet. That is another language I am interested in learning.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I love their slogan!

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Armenian Festival Old Town Alexandria

I've been meaning to post why this is here on my mission blog. Well, I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends. This person is extremely well educated, yet tried to convince me that most Armenians are Muslim, not Christian. What I found thought provoking about this is how our world views are so different if we have one simple fact incorrect. I'm still mulling this over.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Locks of love

OK...I did. I got a p...e...r...m. Went into Glynn Jones Salon and had my stylist do it. I feel so funky! The problem was I really didn't like seeing all the pictures of me in Tanzania with my hair pulled back. But, NO hairdryers. So the "blow-out" did not exist for me and would not on my next trip.

I consulted my sister who has two things going for her. 1. She has been on mission trips before. 2. She gets that I don't want to look dowdy even if I am in harsh conditions. Her advice... the PERM.

As you might imagine, I believe I was the first person to actually request a perm in the history of Glynn Jones.

I am declaring myself an official gypsetter and perms are now cool again!

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Supporting My Mission Work in Africa

Several friends have asked me how they can donate to my work in Africa. Seeing as, unlike Prince Harry, I am not currently planning a polo match to support my charity (not ruling it out, just not this summer!), the easiest way to give to my work in Africa is to donate to "The Diocese of Virginia" with "Amy Millican - Mission Fund" in the memo.

You can send donations to PO Box 852, Alexandria, VA 22313.

Of course, this is tax deductible! Thank you!!!