Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So I know this photo sucks. But, these vinegar veggies taste JUST LIKE Gma's. Does it all come back to this continent?

I'm hoping the photo does these curtains justice. they are in the restaurant where I'm staying in NBO, Karen Holiday Homes. I LOVE this fabric. It is gorgeous.

One of my favorite purchases today!

On the way home from a long day of R&R, who would have thought I'd see Marine One?

After a morning full of retail therapy, my afternoon stimulation!

I taught Paul (pic & info below!) to use an iPad!!!

Paul the Driver. Hung with me all day. Nice guy!

Sculputures at NBO National Museum Entrance Gate

Entrance to Museum

I'm titling this "Nairobi in Fear." I was searched in every building, mall & museum I entered in downtown NBOtoday

Window view at Museum

Part of the exhibit, details below....

Ruth's work on the Masaai

One of the best exhibits I've seen in a LONG time. Seriously.

Part of the exhibit hall

She's made me love Zebras!

I would have bought all of Ruth's work. In addition to being a clothes horse, I'm an art junkie. Don't worry DH, I didn't purchase any!!!


So Pollack, My friend Sharon would love this!

Ruth Nyakindi

Another by Ruth

So inspiring!

Modern Masaai

One of my favorites...shoot, I've loved them all!!!

The artist and title

Stairwell at museum

Absotluely beautiful!

Window at Museum

Love this as it reminds me of one of my absolute favorites, Kazimir Malevich's " White On White".

Museum workroom

Rainy courtyard

Courtyard at Museum

Beautiful stained glass at the museum

View from 2nd floor

Twiga on display

More animal dispay

Gourd display at Nairobi National Museum